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A Complete Guide to Legal Guardians

You provide for every aspect of your child’s care. Have you thought about what will happen if a tragedy leaves …

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Splitting an IRA in a Divorce is Different than a 401k

Going through a divorce is incredibly difficult for a variety of reasons. One of the most contentious parts of this …

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Is It Easy To Travel Overseas With Kids After A Divorce?

A divorce can be an incredibly difficult process for everybody involved. This is especially true for children. However, life does …

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Divorce and Co-Parenting: A Joint Legal Custody Guide

It is seldom an easy decision to get a divorce or leave a long term relationship. When there are children …

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Do SC Courts Get To Make Custody Decisions If Parents Are In Differing States?

Going through a divorce command credibly difficult, and most people are relieved when the process is finally complete. However, just …

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What If You Are Struggling To Pay Child Support Or Alimony During COVID-19?

During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is no secret that the economy has taken a hit. In South Carolina alone, …

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SC Lesbian Couple Suing To End Anti-LGBTQ Fostering Policies

In 2016, it became illegal for government-funded fostering adoption agencies to discriminate against prospective LGBTQ+ parents, along with single parents, …

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For Divorced Parents, Which One Gets The Stimulus Money?

When Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act in March, many people were excited because they …

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Child Abuse Is An Unintended Consequence Of Stay At Home Orders

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way of life for so many people throughout this country and here in South …

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Do You Have To Prove Your Ex Is Living With Someone To Stop Alimony?

There are times when the court may order a higher-earning spouse to provide financial assistance to a spouse of lesser …

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